
Neurodevelopmental & Neuropsychological Issues & Diagnosis

Neuropsychology is the study of brain-behavior relationships. Our neuropsychologist applies an understanding of brain functioning and it’s relationship to learning and behavior to identify issues that could impact on academic achievement, social, emotional, and adaptive functioning. Integrating developmental, social, emotional, and biological factors, the neuropsychological evaluation clarifies an individual’s processing style to make recommendations regarding educational planning and therapeutic strategies.

Parents whose children are not yet in school may have vague or direct concerns about their youngsters. To address them, the neuropsychologist obtains detailed background data and developmental and behavioral information through parental and support personnel’s completion of developmental history questionnaires, present behavioral functioning, and observation. When appropriate, parents and support personnel may be asked to complete standardized questionnaires that allow one to learn if, or how far, the child deviates from the norm. The results provide the parents with an understanding of their child’s strengths and weaknesses. Extensive discussion is held regarding appropriate resources designed to maximize potential. As the child develops, ongoing consultation is readily available.

In assessing a school-age child whose weaknesses could best be described by understanding how the brain processes information, the neuropsychologist is trained to administer specific tests to youngsters who have known neurological involvement such as seizures , head injury, epilepsy, stroke, etc.

The neuropsychological evaluation will also identify questions regarding developmental disorders such as:

  • Autism
  • Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Attention Deficit

Prior to the testing, our neuropsychologist gathers extensive background history from parents, teachers, physicians, all support personnel, previous evaluations, and school reports. A school observation prior to the testing provides information of how a youngster functions in the classroom.

The neuropsychological assessment comprises the comprehensive evaluation of:

  • Intellectual functioning
  • Language skills
  • Visual-spatial and perceptual skills
  • Learning and memory
  • Attention and concentration
  • Executive Functioning
  • Planning and organization
  • Problem solving and reasoning
  • Fine-motor and sensory skills
  • Processing skills—cognitive efficiency and processing speed
  • Academic achievement
  • Adaptive, social, emotional functioning

Following the evaluation, the neuropsychologist meets with parents to discuss the results, explains the science of how the brain processes information, and makes recommendations for the best educational environment, appropriate methods of instruction, interventions, and strategies required to promote maximum success.


Please contact Dr. Charna Axelrod, Director, Psychoeducational Department at 610.642.4873 ext. 14 or