Career Guidance

iStock_000004094510XSmallConfused or overwhelmed regarding a career path? We can help in 3 sessions!

The purpose of our innovative assessment program is to help those who are confused and overwhelmed with the multitude of vocational choices with which they are confronted.

We have designed a combination of specific assessment tools and interviewing techniques to assist young adults and those in transition to:

  • Identify their interests, values, aptitudes, and personality strengths
  • Determine current vocational opportunities
  • Generate a blueprint leading to a satisfying and rewarding career
  • Receive ongoing guidance and coaching until goals are met

We accomplish this in three distinct phases:

Phase I: A career-focused interview and a battery of specially designed comprehensive tests administered by our vocational psychologist.

Phase II: Expert, in-depth interpretation of assessment results, recommendations for career development, and creation of an action plan.

Phase III: Follow-up counseling and coaching session focusing on implementation of the action plan.*

*Ongoing career guidance and coaching sessions available

 For details, please call Dr. Peter A. Kolson at 610-642-4873 ext. 26